Hello World
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Virtual Cube is the virtual exhibition space of Hello World.
The works exhibited here address, from different aesthetics and strategies, the interconnections of art, culture and technology, in a context modeled by algorithms, data flows, artificial neural networks, peer to peer economies, quantum computers and algorithms, cryptocurrencies, cyberterrorism, big data, artificial intelligence, facial recognition, deep learning, Internet of things, dark web, virtual reality, machinic vision, data storage in DNA chains, asignifying semiotics, ransomware, classes and instances, non-conscious cognition , post-truth, blockchain, cognitive computing, ...

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Virtual Cube es el espacio virtual de exhibición de Hello World.
Las obras que aquí se reúnen abordan, desde diferentes estéticas y estrategias, las interconexiones del arte, la cultura y la tecnología, en un contexto modelado por algoritmos, flujos de datos, redes neuronales artificiales, economías peer to peer, ordenadores y algoritmos cuánticos, criptomonedas, terrorismo informático, big data, inteligencia artificial, reconocimiento facial, deep learning, Internet de las cosas, dark web, realidad virtual, visión maquínica, almacenamiento de datos en cadenas de ADN, semióticas asignificantes, ransomware, clases e instancias, cognición no-conciente, post-verdad, blockchain, computación cognitiva, …

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Becoming Code
Images intervened by injecting critical texts
into their code
Gustavo Romano

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The Artificial Emotions Curator
Master pieces through the
Microsoft Emotion API eyes
Gustavo Romano

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I Manifesto of Futurism (of the Machines)
Intervention to the
Manifesto of Futurism
Gustavo Romano

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IP Poetry
Device for electronic performances, net-installations.
Talking head robots and poetry generator based on realtime searchs over the web.
Gustavo Romano

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The M2M Communication Machine
Net art, booklet.
Gustavo Romano

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Net art, installation. "Cyberzoo is a virtual zoo where it is possible to experience the wildest expressions of the artificial life in the security of your computer".
Gustavo Romano

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Net art, installation. Hyperbody offers a list of websites whose names refer to different parts of the human body (nose.com, eyes.com, etc).
Gustavo Romano

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My desire is your desire
Webpages, action on Internet, installation.
Gustavo Romano

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Digital media videoinstallation. A network of TVs where is displayed the image of fourteen connected hearths beating.
Around a cyberpunk context, Network was created the same year that the WWW appears.
Gustavo Romano

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contacto: helloworld @ 4rt.eu

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